Timeless Innovation

How do we create and innovate solutions
That withstand the test of time?


Insights for Timeless Innovation & Success

  • Anthony Nayagan’s book reintroduces “Theistic Activism,” an ancient spiritual practice from India.

  • Transform your endeavors with these timeless insights.

  • Download the pre-release version for free now!

Ancient Wisdom
  • 75 Pages
  • Easy Read

Unveiling the Sacred Covenant

In India for instance, throughout history, a Sacred Covenant has existed between the Divine and the Mystics. This timeless pact has been the driving force behind the remarkable contributions of countless mystics, who left indelible marks on humanity and the universe. 

Their enduring contributions continue to withstand the test of time, shaping our world and inspiring future generations.

 This covenant is open to all and well described in  “Ancient Wisdom & Modern Leadership”

Divine Engagement is an ancient lifestyle primarily practiced by mystics, who made significant contributions to humanity. These contributions spanned various fields such as:

  • Traditional Medicine: Ayurveda was inspired by a mystic
  • Mathematics: For example, the concepts of zero and infinity were influenced by Mayan and Indian mystics.
  • Astrology: Vedic Astrology
  • Philosophy (Vedanta)
  • Architecture: The designs and techniques to construct the temples in India were inspired by mystics.
  • Music: The classical music in India has mystical origins.
  • & More. 

Anthony Nayagan elaborates on this Covenant in his book, referring to it as Theistic Activism. This concept is rooted in the belief that divine guidance leads to enduring actions and initiatives, as illustrated in Hinduism and Christianity. 

Key Concepts of Theistic Activism

  • Divine Guidance: Actions inspired by divine inspirations are  more sustainable and impactful than those driven solely by human intelligence.
  • Innovation and Longevity: Innovations inspired by divine guidance are more likely to withstand the test of time 1.
  • System and Decision Making: Governance and policies rooted in divine principles are alive, equitable, just, and resilient 1.

Best Selling Author & Coach​


Anthony Nayagan's Mission​

Anthony Nayagan’s mission, through his book and personalized coaching, is to bring the principles of Theistic Activism to modern leaders and innovators. His goal is to mentor and empower creators, innovators, and thought-leaders to make impactful and enduring contributions to humanity. 

  • Create and Innovate: Encouraging innovations that are sustainable and impactful.
  • Build Systems and Policies: Developing governance structures that reflect universal truths and values 2.

Theistic Activism offers a transformative approach to social change, innovation, and governance by integrating divine guidance into these processes.

This approach aims to create a more sustainable and impactful future, driven by principles that transcend human limitations and societal trends 1, 2.

Download "Ancient Wisdom & Modern Leadership" for free!

Ancient Wisdom