Special invitation to you . . .

The Ministry of Supreme Realization holds various in-person events like Seminars and Retreats across the United States and globally to connect with those who have distanced themselves from the Church.
Recent demographic studies indicate that more than half of Americans no longer identify with any religious institution, yet many still consider themselves spiritual.
Our organization’s mission is to reach out to all those who have been alienated from the Church and from God. While the Church continues to recover from its mistakes, it often overlooks those who are leaving. At Supreme Realization, we believe in following the teachings of Christ, who urged us to seek out that one lost sheep.
I extend an invitation for you to become a Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, or Supporter of this event! As a respected leader in the community, your involvement with us presents an opportunity for your organization to gain exposure and collaborate with other individuals, organizations, and coalitions in our community to educate and reach out to this vast audience. Community sponsors play a vital role in funding these events and ensuring their success. You can offer support in the following ways:- Be a Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, or Event Supporter by making a tax-deductible monetary donation. We are a 501-C-3 organization.
- Your company logo will be featured on promotional materials for the event.
- We will promote your interests in our social media campaigns and videos, following your instructions.
- Join our event planning committee and actively participate.
- Volunteer at the event.
- Sponsor or host an event at your facility.
- Inform your clients and patrons about your sponsorship of the Ministry of Supreme Realization.
To become a sponsor, please send us an email at sponsor@supremerealization.org. We will promptly get in touch with you to schedule a call and discuss your ideas further.